Hey gang,
So registration is all closed up and it looks like we’ve got a full 22 competitors! Here are some stats on the athletes:
We have 9 first-timers in various categories:
May Pongpitipak, Meagan Timney, Gord Kehoe, Adrianna Haffey, Lindsay Forget, James Furlan, Greg Rangel, Warren “Dub” Reeves (finally pulled him off the golf course!), and Paul Lance (apologies if I’ve missed anyone!).
There are a full 10 men in the Advanced Men category!
There are 6 competitors with Regionals 2011 experience.
Tom James and Eric Brown are tied for the most Zone Games appearances with 4 each and on the women’s side, Lindsay McCardle will throw down in her third Zone Games.
I am putting the wods together tonight and tomorrow so stay tuned – they will be posted in the Friday night blog. So far, for the intermediate and advanced categories, there will be three events – with one of those events consisting of multiple scoring opportunities. We will have two traditional Crossfit wods with the third including some “different” skill elements.
Due to numbers of participants, there may be some blending of categories to allow for a more varied competitive experience, stay tuned on that one.
For the Novice category, it looks like right now we will have two events – one being a traditional CF workout and the other being a skill based event.
Our usual competitive day starts at around 9am and wraps up around 4, so be ready to be available for that time frame on Sunday.
Craig Rice, one of our superstar apprentice coaches, has secured some trophies that will knock your socks off and will be a step-up in terms of the prestige of winning the Zone Games (although the UFC title belts were pretty sweet if I may say so myself :).
Looking forward to this one gang, going to be a cracker!
QOD: What has been you favourite zone games wod? was there one that particularly killed you? showed your strengths (or weaknesses)? post to comments
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 10 minute clean and thruster tech, working up to WOD weight
WOD: “Ergan”
This wod is named after two of our longstanding members, Eric Brown and Meagan Timney, who will soon be heading down to start another chapter of their lives in San Francisco. They are two wonderful people and will be missed a huge amount both in our gym and in our community as a whole.
This wod consists of tw0 mini-wods. Combine your REPS for both to get your total score.
WOD 1: Squat Clean – Thruster Ladder
This is an ascending ladder in which you clean and thruster a barbell once the first minute, 2 times the second minute, three times the third minute etc.
- You must clean the bar for each rep
- You may power clean then thruster or squat clean and thruster
- Push press, press, or any jerk is not allowed – the bar must move smoothly to overhead
- Once you can no longer achieve the designated reps within the minute time cap, you are done
- Count total reps achieved, including incomplete rounds
- Log this workout in MFT counting completed rounds only
Rx: Bar weight 115/155
Zone 5: scale bar to 95/135
Zone 4: scale to 75/115
Zone 3: scale to 65/95
Zone 2: scale to 55/75
Zone 1: scale as needed
Zone Games Competitors: Consider going 80-90% on this one and scaling down slightly – this can cook your legs for a few days!
WOD 2: Little Tiger
This is a 6 minute AMRAP of:
- 6 ctb pullups
- 9 squats
- 12 box jumps (20/24)
- total reps is your score (27 reps/rd)
Zone 3: scale to reg pullups
Zone 2: scale to assisted pullups, scale box jump as needed
Zone 1: scale wod as needed
Add Reps from WOD 1 and WOD 2 for your overall score for “Ergan”!
Cash-Out: Foam roll and lacrosse ball the angry bits!