Scoots! courtesy of Brigit Jensen’s photographic magic
Okay all,
The big day is only 36 hours away, which means it’s time to digest the challenges you will face on Sunday. I’m not going to stall you with words – here are the WODs.
WOD 1 – Novice, Intermediate, Advanced – Escape from Alcatraz (Obstacle Course)
Yes, you read it right – this will be a full-on obstacle course involving a large amount of apparatus in the gym, including the following:
- monkey bars, parallel bars, tires, hurdles, balance beam, farmer’s walk (but tougher than you think 🙂
- Difficulty will be scaled for each group
- The course will be for time – one athlete will attempt 3 laps (7 min time limit) then another will go
- Order of athletes will be randomly chosen
- Faults will be assessed for missing parts of the course
WOD 2 – Novice – “Legs”
4 rounds for time:
- 20 bodyweight squats
- 20 situps (abmat style)
- 20 box jumps (20″)
- 300m row
WOD 2 – Intermediate and Advanced – “Stop Drop and Roll”
For time:
- 15,12,9,6,3 of: power snatch, barhop burpees, box jumps
Adv Male: bar weight 95, 24” box jump
Adv Female – bar weight 65lb, 20” box
Int Men – bar weight 75, box height 24”
Int Female – bar weight 55lb, 20” box
WOD 3 – Intermediate and Advanced – “Quadoplasty”
4 rounds for time: 7 front squats, 300m run, 11 pullups
- Bar taken from floor each round, can squat clean
Adv Male: bar weight 155, 300 run, ctb pull-ups
Adv Female: bar weight 95, ctb pull-ups, 300m run
Int Male: bar weight 125, regular pull-ups, 300m run
Int Female: bar weight 85, regular pull-ups, 200m run
Due to relatively small numbers in every group except for Advanced Men, I have decided to amalgamate the Intermediate Women, Intermediate Men, and Advanced Women divisions. This will give us 10 men in Advanced Men and 9 women and men in what will be named the “Open” division.
I realize that when this is done there are always compromises but trust me I have been thinking this over every minute for the last two days and I’m sure it will work out. The scaling should be sufficient to cover differences in strength and fitness levels and having more competitors will make for a much more exciting event than having only 2 or 3 competitors in some groups.
That being said, the Novice division is a two-horse race, and will be very interesting as we have a male and female competing against one another… so everyone will have to cheer extra loud for these two athletes!
If you have any comments or concerns regarding the WODs in terms of your personal abilities, please let me know at cam(at)
The heat schedule will be released tomorrow (sometime early afternoon if not before) so stay tuned for that. As mentioned before, expect a start time of the competition around 9am and a finish around 430pm.
This will be a cracker… another Zone Games not to be missed!
We will have the BBQ fired up between workouts with tasty burgers, sausages and yams. If you would like to bring an item to share with everyone, feel free to do so.
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Shoulder Press 1RM
- Build up to a max single rep in the shoulder press
- No spotters – coaches demo how to dump if in trouble
- Keep lifting area clear of weight plates, collars, etc
- 12 min time limit
WOD: “Baseline”
This is a great tester to see how far you have come from your Intro session or the last time we did the baseline. There are two options listed below – one the classic baseline and the second a beefed up version if you want a longer push.
Classic – for time:
- 500m row, 40 squats, 30 abmat situps, 20 pushups, 10 pullups
- If going for leaderboard, have a coach judge your movement standards in the wod
- New pushup standard – hand release. If you want to beat your previous time with regular pushups then go ahead.
Beefy Baseline
For time – 1000m row, 80 squats, 60 situps, 40 pushups (hand release), 20 pullups
Zone 2 for both – scale to assisted pullups and modified pushups
Zone 1 – scale wod as needed
Cash-Out: Easy block run if it’s nice out… if not, group stretch and chat!