What does a WOD and a can of tuna have in common? They both support our local Food Bank!
That’s right, folks. For the month of December, CrossFit Zone will be collecting donations for the Food Bank.
For December ONLY, we will allow all our members to attend one extra class per week in exchange for a donation. You may bring in your canned or appropriately packaged non-perishable goods to the Zone, and get your extra WOD in for a good cause!
For those Gold members that already have an unlimited membership, feel free to book an extra skills session in exchange for a can of food! You can always freshen up your technique 😉
Rather than signing in to class as usual, if you donate you can sign in on our Donations Sheet, so we can keep track of all the participants.
Let’s get in the spirit of giving!
Today`s Workout:
Buy In – coach-led dynamic warm-up.
WOD – ‘Fly Trapped in a Jar’
3 rounds:
- 250 m row
- 5 CTB pull-ups
- 10 double crunch
- 15 box jumps (20/24)
Each round is on a 6 minute clock. The faster you complete each round, the more rest you get before the next. Your score is your slowest round.
Zone 2: Scale CTB pull-ups to regular pull-ups.
Zone 1: Scale movements as needed.
Cash Out – MWod 17 Hips and Thoracic prep